Welcome to our

1-on-1 Business Coaching program


You're here because you're passionate self-starter, who is committed to helping others create a home that is simple, easy-to-maintain, orderly and deeply inspiring. At its heart, this program will bring you up-to-speed on the most important principles, ensuring you can integrate decluttering into your work that will be effective and lasting. Below are the three (3) assignments that will take you through the program.


Let's get started!


Reserve your spot: 

Calendar Dates Desired (3):


Like all journeys in life, you must first establish where you are in order to know where you are going.  

Fill-out the following self-assessment, allowing approximately 20 minutes to complete.  We will review your answers prior to our first call together!

Session 2: Required Reading

Carefully read these articles.  Perhaps make a cup of tea and cuddle up for a quiet hour.  If these concepts are new to you, we recommend that you give each article space and time to sink in before moving on to the next.  We will ask follow-up questions in the self-assessment.  


Session 3: CATEGORY-Specific Reading:

Pick the topic that resonates with you most and read at least one (1) linked article.

Wardrobe: The Capsule Wardrobe by Un-fancy, and shopping rules to live by from Zero Waste Home.

Kitchen: Zero Waste Home has simple habits, routines, and thoughtful purchases which help her family of four be mostly waste-free.

Family: Pretty much anything written by Becoming Minimalist, but especially this, this, and this.

Habit Change:  Zen Habits is the ultimate resource for shifting from behaviors and mental pathways that aren't serving us. Read more here, here, here and here.

Moving Homes: Karen Kingston wrote one of our favorite articles of all time here.

Memorabilia + Emotional Clutter: I love the articulate, thoughtful frankness of The Minimalist's approach to clearing emotional items.  They're truly walking the walk and can show you how here, here, here, and here.

Bedroom: Our own article on making your bedroom into a restful retreat.

Image via Bloglovin

Image via Bloglovin

Image via Modern Legacy

Image via Modern Legacy


For the voracious readers, autodidacts, and naturally curious, we've compiled a list of our favorite websites and books relating to minimalism.  These are the writers who helped shape the New Minimalism philosophy and continue to inspire us today.  Some books directly relate to clutter-clearing, while others elucidate the connections between our desires and how inherently that relates to simple, intentional living.

NEW MINIMALISM Decluttering & Design for Sustainable, Intentional Living

Broader topics, but as you'll learn - it's all related!


*At New Minimalism we physically own about 25% of these books -- yes, even though they are our favorites!  When we want to revisit certain passages, we simply visit our local public library.  We recommend that you do the same.